A guide to creating quality content for your website

A guide to creating quality content for your website

Quality Content is King.

Would you like to know how to write better content? ‘Quality Content is King‘ in today’s digital online world and will become even more so in the future. Creating content that provides value to your visitors and gives them solutions to their problems is what it’s about. That is why visitors are searching online in the first place, they are looking for value.

Make sure to check your page quality using a simple checklist.

When creating content it can be challenging to rate the quality of your content, you could use grammar tools to help, combined with your own skills offcourse. But how can I create quality content that falls within publishing standards? Here is a list of various tips that will assist you to create quality content for your website audience and blog.

Tip 1: Is my content original?

To create truly original content one would need to dig deep and offer your own personal experiences, things like tips, tricks, opinions, values, recommendations, insights, theories, expertise just to name a few. Any content that you write should be written in your own words, even if you are repeating information already found on the web, don’t plagiarise. Original content that adds value to the internet is what makes the internet grow.

Tip 2: Is my content convincing?

When writing articles make sure to write quality content that is convincing and captures the intended searching audience from the beginning when the article is indexed and made available on search engines. Great content will convince your intended target audience to click through to your article or website page. Your content should be compelling and deliver value to your intended visitors for them to stay interested and continue reading the page further. It is a matter of value, provide solutions and answers to problems and questions.

Tip 3: Is my content topic focused?

Try not to go all over the space when writing quality content, keep your articles focused on the topic at hand and its priority, which is solving a problem and providing value. Make sure the article or page provides quality information on the chosen topic. What is the purpose of the topic, what problems does it solve, what value does it provide to your visitors.

Tip 4: Is my content engaging and to the point?

Always make sure your pages or content posts are to the point, short and sweet, providing valuable and concise information. Not only that but also engages your visitors with a little humor or chatter,.. just remember to keep it to the point, don’t wander astray from the topic. Write as much as you possibly can, then you can review your content and refine to suit your audience.

Tip 5: Is your content and or page reflecting your style and personality?

When writing content or creating a page to provide value to your visitors, you should remember to reflect your personality within them. Visitors like to know they are getting value from another human being, and as such you need to present yourself through your content and talk to your visitors in the same way you would a friend or partner.

Tip 6: Is your page content profession, readable, and well planned?

Quality content does not just happen, lots of research needs to be done in order to provide your visitors with accurate and useful information. Most likely most information you supply has been compiled from various sources, so be sure to give credit or ask permission when using other sources content.

Is your content readable? A great tool to use on your WordPress website is Yoast SEO, which will help you optimise your content for Google Search and assist you in analysing the readability of your content through their readability analysis algorithm. This service is enormously valuable, to me, it is like a quality control checklist for my content on search engines.

Make sure your content is well planned, there is plenty of white space (space between texts, images, content pieces and more). Create and use white space, it helps your audience better read your pages instead of having unappealing cluttered pages that is hard to read and or understand. Make sure to use amazing images and or videos on your website, it is also content, not just text.

Tip 7: Read your content out loud to yourself.

In short, by reading out your content to yourself out loud, you not only hear it in your head, but in real voice and that makes it easy to spot whether it actually sounds weird or incorrectly spoken. After all, your content should speak to your audience the same way you speak to your clients.

Tip 8: Lastly check for errors.

You can have the most amazing content, yet if you make spelling mistakes and have poor grammar it does influence the credibility of your content and pages. An amazing free tool you can use to check for errors in your content writing is ‘Grammarly’. All you need to do is install the add-on in your browser and you are ready to go! Grammarly checks your content for any errors while you type on the go and provides you with better grammar recommendations. Surely helps me save a lot of time.

Here is a bullet point checklist for you!

  • Original
  • Convincing
  • Topic Focused
  • To the Point
  • Your Personality
  • Professional
  • Read out loud
  • Error Checks